Thursday, August 18, 2011

Angelman Conference 2011

After Bear Lake we headed back to SLC just in time time to gear up for the 2011 Angelman Syndrome Conference. This conference happens every 2 years and this year it just happened to be being held in Salt Lake City. Our family has been involved with the AS Foundation for over 20 years so these are somewhat like family reunions for us.

This year Mom and I were both presenters. Mom's session was for 1st timers and my session was for siblings. We've both done these before and really enjoy them. One of the siblings who helped me with my session has helped me before. Lesley and I were young teenagers when we first met and this conference she brought her own little boy with her. It is so strange for us to realize that we are now the age of some of the parents with young AS kids. Our questions and concerns are different now as adult siblings than they used to be and that is neat all in itslef. Lesley is super nice and outgoing and very hands on with her own AS sibling. We've only ever seen each other every few years for a few days at a time, but it is incredible to be around someone that really understands what it is like to have an AS sibling. During the sibling session we try to bring that feeling to the other siblings. It is a unique bond that I struggle to accurately express in words. The other sibling that helped happened to be from Vegas which was neat. We had them play an AS trivia game, play a just for fun mixer game, and break in to age appropriate discussion groups. The young siblings have such great wisdom and insight beyond their years. Some of their sweet and honest answers make you laugh outloud and some make you tear up.

We had a great time being involved with the conference and thought it was so fun to have it in Salt Lake. At the end of the week we were able to add a few adventures on with Mom, Dad, and Whitney.

We were able to take them out on Lance's parents boat which Whitney seemed to really enjoy.

We also were able to have an early birthday dinner for Kai and Rori with both sets of grandparents. We made friends with a group of firefighters sitting at the table next to us, so after dinner they invited the kids to check-out their fire truck and even go on a ride. It was awesome!

1 comment:

RachelAA said...

What a fabulous experience. And those pizzas are so cute!