Happy 1 month birthday to Zuri today! We had her 1 month check-up and here are her stats:
Height: 22.5 inches - 98%
Weight: 11.15 pounds - 97%
Head: 15 inches - 95%
The Dr. said "based on her size, her sleeping, and the way she is holding up her head I would guess that she was a 2 month old".
All else was well with Zuri. We suspect that she may be having a little reflux causing some of her fussiness, but the doctor wants to wait it out and see if she outgrows it on her own over the next month. I suspect that children that we make just need a few months to adjust to being in this world- they seem to come out bothered that they aren't able to control their own bodies. Kai was relieved that Zuri didn't need any shots this appointment. I was relieved that it was a quick appointment since I had all 3 kids.
Set Fire to the Rain
5 days ago
I feel like we're traveling such a similar path. I too have been so grateful recently for short/successful appointments for baby girl with 3 kids. Zuri and Tatum are the same weight at 1 month and 4.5 months, respectively. I love that she is the cutest almost-off-the-charts kissable babe. Hopefully it means decent chucks of sleep are soon to come in your house :)
Good sleep - that sounds FABULOUS! And hello, quick appointments with kids in tow SO makes my week!
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