Monday, January 27, 2014

Kai's E3 Basketball

Kai has been having fun playing E3 Basketball this Winter.  He enjoys playing and seems to have some really good natural instincts.  The group he is playing with has several teams of all age groups.  Kai's is the youngest group and most of the older groups are more involved Super League teams.  It has been a nice fit for Kai as his group plays their games in a rec league, but gets the benefit of better coaching and being part of the greater E3 program.  Because of this they actually have his team of 2nd graders playing in a 3rd grade league.  In addition they also play 2 games every Saturday morning instead of the other teams which just play 1 game.  This has been great for Kai as he is ready for a bit more, but we also want to keep in perspective that he is just 8 years old and not have it be all life consuming at this point.  We are finding that sometimes the balance of that at this age can already be a bit tricky.  He's been doing great in the games and is enjoying some friendships with many of the other similar sports minded boys as well.  He's the tallest kid on the team, but is often the one bringing the ball down the court and setting things up which makes us laugh because normally in basketball that isn't the job of the tallest player, but we also think it is awesome that he is developing those skills while he has the chance.  It sure is fun to watch him.

*This isn't how you watch basketball games?

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