The kids had a few days off of school for the holiday and Lance is working on a big school paper so I decided to take the kids to San Diego. It was my first time being brave enough to make the trip all by myself with the 3 kids. I'm happy to report that we did great. We even awarded Zuri the best rider award for the trip down as she ended up being the least demanding. :) We wish Lance could have joined us but we're glad he got to get some work done without us around to bug him. We had a great time with grandma, grandpa, & Whitney. It was fun to hang out and enjoy time together for a few days. The girls were both fighting these cold/ coughs so it was great to lay low a bit. We did drive the kids by my elementary schools (funny how they are so much smaller than I remember- and crazy that the Heights overlooks the Ocean), played some basketball on the elementary hoops, got in a little shopping, made a trip to the Scripps Aquarium for the 1st time, rode scooters and collected pine cones on the big grass hill, and got in some fun sports games on the Kinect. Big thanks to grandma, grandpa & Whitney for having us!
1 comment:
How fabulous - you're awesome!
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