Today was Zuri's official due date. We're glad to have made it through the first week instead. These 3 have been enjoying each other quite a bit. There is lots of conversation about whose turn it is to hold her.
We were scheduled to arrive at the hospital at 5:30am on May 23 for the scheduled C-section. The night before when we went to bed I started to wonder if I might be having some contractions. I laid there for a few hours watching the clock and evaluating the pain. Not being an expert on contractions (my water broke with Kai and I had 1 never ending contraction and Rori was scheduled) I finally decided to wake up Lance as I was feeling pretty uncomfortable. After he helped me evaluate for awhile we decided to give Labor and Delivery a call. I was feeling a little silly as we were now just hours away from the scheduled check in, but..... So after a quick chat with them we were told to make our way in ASAP.
We quickly got checked in and set up on a monitor which showed that I was having pretty good contractions pretty regularly. They gave me a shot of something to try and slow it all down to make it to the scheduled 7:30am surgery. It worked some but I was still having pretty hard contractions every 8-10 minutes or so for those last 2 hours. I was a little bummed that I was having to agonize through contractions while waiting for a c-section. That is one of the few benefits of a planned c-section. :) Anyway, we held out until just a little before the the 7:30am scheduled time and Zuri entered the world at 7:39am. Moral of the story seems to be that she was coming on May 23 one way or the other.
The c-section went really well. I felt pretty gross and light headed on the table immediately after the spinal with everything sounding very far away(it was like that with Rori too) but felt ok again after a few minutes. Once again I got a little sick to my stomach hours later after they wheeled me up to the room we would stay in the rest of the stay but it was only then and it was quick. As far as c-sections go this one has probably had the easiest recovery so far which is great.
My parents and Whitney brought the kids to the hospital in the morning and Lance used the signs to tell all of them that it was a baby girl. Kai called Grandma and Grandma Utah just after that to share the news with them and as he was talking to them they walked in the door. They had surprised all of us and made the LONG trip down to meet our new addition. They left mid day the next day but will be coming down again on Monday to spend more time with us. It was an awesome surprise and I am still blown away that they went to all that effort.
That night was Kai's last tee ball game so Kai got to have 3 out of 4 grandparents, Lance, Rori, and Aunt Whitney attend that as well (my Mom stayed with Zuri and I). My parents stayed until Thursday and entertained, fed, loved, did homework and on and on with Kai and Rori. The kids loved it and we were all sad to see them go. Our kids have 2 amazing sets of grandparents!
Zuri is super cute and has a good amount of black hair. We think she looks an awful lot like Kai did when he was a baby. It will be fun to see what happens with the hair color. For weighing so much we don't think she actually looks very big or chubby in person. We haven't seen her next to other brand new babies though. Two other baby girls have been born to friends of ours here in the last few days though so we will get that chance. :)
Overall I think we feel that we had a good hospital experience. It was a nice and newer hospital that isn't very far from our house. One night they brought us a "celebration dinner" of shrimp and steak which was fun. Everyone treated us well. They don't have a nursery which was a little different but worked out fine. With that said though we were super happy to be discharged and sent on our way home.
So here are some more of our other favorite shots from the week:
We've almost made it. The baby is scheduled to come Monday morning bright and early. I'm not super excited about the c-section and recovery, but I am pretty excited to meet this little person.
I think my body is about ready to be done at this point. Sleeping has somewhat gone out the window due to a combo of heartburn and itching and now I seem to have also come down with a cold which is adding to the struggle. Mom, Dad, and Whit will head here tomorrow and then we will really be good to go with them here to watch Kai and Rori. Lance's parents are going to come the next week so it is going to be an exciting time around these parts.
Not knowing if it is going to be a boy or girl is making things pretty fun around now. I continue to get opinions from all sorts of random people. We're still working on names some so if anyone is holding out on a fabulous name now is the time to share........
This morning we made it to the last big thing on our pre new baby list. Today was the annual Angelman Syndrome National Walk A Thon. It was fun to get to go in Las Vegas this year and add to our locations we've attended over the years. Mom, Dad, and Whit were busy helping with the one in San Diego so we're glad the baby cooperated by staying in and allowing them to attend down there. Kai and Rori had a blast at the walk because there were tons of fun kids things to do. It was a nice morning! Apparently snow cones are highly motivating for making it through the walk by the way.
We've been BUSY trying to fit in some things before the baby comes. Here are a few highlights.
Kai got in some playdates with his buddies. Noah and Andrew came over after school one day and they all had a blast. Later Cooper and Pace came back for a visit and their Dad's graduation. Kai has been so lucky to find such great friends here:
Keeping up the Tradition of making the Baby its own bear from Build A Bear:
Got My Hair Done:
Kai and Lance Attended the Father & Son Campout (that day was also Field Day at school and Kai said it may have been the best day ever):
... to all the wonderful women in our lives. We're especially grateful for our 2 great Mom's. Hope you had a good day!
A very pregnant me with 2 weeks left to go before the scheduled C on May 23:
-Crazy that I'll soon be a Mom to 3. Being a Mom is the best. I feel so lucky to have the oppotunity to raise them. -Still feeling pretty good despite some heart burn and SUPER annoying itching. -Really want this kid to stay in until May 23 because we've still got a few items to make it through, wrap up on the get ready list, and things to attend. -Still have not decided on a boy OR a girl name- seriously. Need help here people- send your suggestions on over ASAP. Just thinking about it stresses me out.
Mother's Day Treasures From Church Today:(they go all out for Mother's Day in this Ward it seems- paper flowers, hand made gifts from the kids, chocolate covered strawberries, little ribbbon decorated waters, and huge Great Harvest Cookies):
I was spoiled with lots of love and yummy food from my sweet husband and kids today. Lance has his last final this week which is a most wonderful Mother's Day gift. Now we're on to another busy week.........