Monday, March 07, 2011

Gone Fishing

Kai has been begging us to go fishing for FOREVER now. Problem is we live in the Vegas desert now and aren't real familiar with local spots for fishing. Last weekend they were all set to go and then the weather didn't cooperate. So despite the fact that we all went and picked up Lance at the airport after 1am on Friday night (due to a 4+ hr. delayed flight from a business trip) we didn't really feel like we could put Kai off again Saturday morning when he appeared in our room at 7:30am in full fishing gear.

Thanks to a tip from the Wadsworth's we ventured out to a local park where they have a stocked fishing pond. It was late morning by the time we got ourselves together and there so the fishing experience was more about learning to cast and checking out the spot for the future. It was a nice day and a kid friendly spot that we will likely return to someday in the early morning or dinner time. Rori enjoyed exploring the area, taking a turn holding the fishing pole, and doing a little rock climbing. I had fun playing a little with my camera. Lance was no doubt exhausted and needing to be writing a paper for school but he put together a fun little adventure that earned him big Dad points.

1 comment:

RachelAA said...

Those pictures are so beautiful - they're precious!