Saturday, February 27, 2010

Kai's first ski trip

We've been wanting to get Kai up on the slopes for some time. Finally, a couple of things provided the last motivation we needed: (1) Alta's ski-for-free after three; and (2) the Winter Olympics. We put the Edgley-Wedgie on the front of Kai's skis which help keep the skis from getting crossed. Kai and I took a few runs on the learner hill. Good times. We ran into all six members of the Cook family. Not literally, but almost. I found time for one run on Sunnyside before closing. Good to get that bug again. As you can see from the last photo (taken at the mouth of Little Cottonwood on the way out), skiing wears you out.

When the rental place measured Kai's feet for his boots, Rori began taking her shoes off. She knows she's ready to ski too and is just not succeeding at convincing the rest of us of the fact yet.


RachelAA said...

Ahhh what an incredible experience. Gorgeous pictures!! And I so envy the fact that Kai has a chance to learn at such a young age. I tried once a couple years ago and I was so freaked out that I'm not too willing to go again.

CA Family said...

Lance- you are quite the storyteller... and the skier!
Kai- we are so proud of you! I would imagine that Rori will be fearless on the slopes! Do I foresee a gold medal in the future???

Anonymous said...

So proud of all of you, especially the skiers this time. It is good to get that bug back. That's what we do in Utah - ski. Congratulations to both of you!

jena wise said...

i'm very impressed. simply dressing two kids for snow seems daunting to me :)
way to go - all of you!