We wrapped up football and soccer seasons. Both kids had a blast and really learned and improved a ton which is great. We're sad to see it end for lots of reasons, but it is nice to have a little break for a bit.
Kai loved his flag football team and was sad when it was over. His team had a great season and then sort of fizzled in the playoffs which was a bummer of a way to end but oh well. He made some great friends and really showed us how well he can do with some good coaching. Watching him play really was super fun and exciting. One of the players on the team had a photographer family member taking photos at a few of the games and he got some great shots of Kai and the other kids. It was fun to have him be a part of a team that had such strong family support and investment as well. It really does make such a difference.
Rori loved her soccer team and was always thrilled when it was a day with practice or a game. She is fast, tough, and not afraid to get in the mix of it all which was so cool. By the end she was really getting it and having so much fun. It took me a few weeks in to the season but I finally figured out a way for her to play with her hearing aids without fear of them falling out and being trampled by cleats. I tried several different things and spent quite a bit of time searching the craft store isles for ideas. In the end this seemed to be the simplest, least bothersome to her option and it worked great. The clip has one of those clear ponytail holders tied around it and the hearing aid. Then, the clip is attached to the headband. These are the sorts of things we are going to have to learn though trial and error as time goes on. She was thrilled with her end of the year GIRL trophy.
Set Fire to the Rain
4 days ago
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