Kai moved up to CTR 6. He is excited to be in the oldest class in the JR Primary here. There are two classes of his age group so you always wonder about friends getting switched up, new teachers and things, but as usual no complaints from this kid. He just seemed to happily go with the change.
The big news though is Rori moved out of Nursery and in to Sunbeams. We can't imagine that she can really be old enough to go to Primary, but so far so good. She just followed Kai right in there the 1st day and never looked back. There are also 2 classes for her age group so we were thrilled to learn that she and best red headed buddy Kinzie are in the same class. Being the youngest group she gets to sit in the front row which I think she thinks is great. It is also pretty fun to get to be in there with Kai.
Zuri still gets to be with Mom and Dad until she is old enough for Nursery at 18 months. She is pleased with this as she isn't big on Mom being out of her sight lately.
Wait, you guys have CTR 7 in senior primary?? Do tell. Is that an option? It would so balance out my Primary.
Yeah his 7 year old buds are in Senior. I don't know anything about Primary, but I thought it was just a numbers thing- like just divide in half????
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