Monday, January 23, 2012

Dance Class for Rori

Rori started a dance class today. She is super excited about it and did really well. It is going to be very cute. There are 3 other little girls from Church in the class and we had a few other familiar faces as well. The teacher has been teaching for years and is apparently VERY popular. We really debated putting Rori in the class since it means we will have to pull her out of school to do it, but it amazingly happens to be at the rec center right next to her school and is only for 1 hour every Monday. At school they normally have lunch and playground at that time so that is all she will be missing. We think it will be a great opportunity to have her be with friends that set a good speech example. Her school teacher thought it was a good idea too so we are very excited. Rori and Kai didn't have school today due to staff development so it was a nice way to start. Next week will be more interesting as I try to change her in and out of a leotard and tights, get her to eat something, and transport her back and forth in a small window- with Zuri in tow mind you. Should be fun!

Peeking Through the Glass:

Twninners Kinzie & Rori:

Dum Dum Lolipops at the End Were a Big Hit with All the Girls From Church:


RachelAA said...

How adorable and exciting. She's so pretty!!!!!

AliWhitMark said...

I love Rori's dance clothes... Just beautiful and so "professional"! :)