We can't believe that Zuri is already 18 months old. She has turned in to such a cute little toddler with her own distinct personality. She is very independent and loves to be doing just what the big kids are doing. We struggle getting her to eat much, but at her last check up she was right in the lower average range for weight so we try to not worry about it too much. She loves her baby dolls, purses, and shoes and can often be seen carrying something girly around as we pick up the other kids from school or take them to practices. She will often point out something "pretty" she is wearing to anyone around us. She has a lot of spunk and can often be heard yelling "no" as she takes off in a full run the opposite direction. Her hair is pretty much the same length as Rori's which is so funny since we have only ever barley trimmed Rori's hair. We are very excited that now that Zuri is 18 months old she can go to Nursery at Church. She seems so little, but it has gotten exhausting chasing her in the halls the last few months so it is a welcome change. We have been watching her talking quite a bit because of everything with Rori and so far we feel like she is doing well. She has lots of words and is repeating a lot of things. We love this little girl so much and can't get enough of her hugs and kisses.
Set Fire to the Rain
2 weeks ago