Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Holiday Fun

We've been enjoying getting ready for Christmas this year. Kai and Rori are so excited about everything related to Christmas which makes it all extra fun. Zuri is also big enough to enjoy the lights, songs etc. They are all at fun ages.

Our Elf on the Shelf "Elfie" has been visiting us again this year. I'm amazed that he can still find so many new places to hide all the time. My favorite this year just might be him hanging upside down out the fridge ice and water dispensor. It's quite a shock to find him like that as you enter the kitchen first thing in the morning. He had a slighly scary run in with a light bulb this year, but I'm happy to say he's lived to tell about it.

We've made and eaten different holiday treats, worked on several crafts, checked out a few light displays, studied the toy ads, visited with Santa a few times, gone to several holiday parties (2 Church, Eveyones Schools, L Work, AGBell), checked out the Christmas display at the Bellagio, read and chatted about Jesus birth, and on and on. Here are some of the photo documented activites.

AGBell Party:

*Note where Rori chose to be in this photo. She's very friendly to Santa- from a small distance.

Rori's School Party:

*Note that Rori is still not on Santa's lap. Mom and Zuri had to join in the photo to get Rori to participate.
*Also note how awesome this Santa was.

*Taken immediately after the above photo:


The District:

Ethel M. Chocolate Factory Lights:

Next up....the big day!

1 comment:

RachelAA said...

Oh wow, what fun you have had!!! Everyone is looking so grown up.