Friday, December 23, 2011

7 Months Old

Zuri turned 7 months old today. The months have just been flying by with this little one. She is such good baby- Hooray! Most of the time she's very content just going with the flow of all the chaos around her. She is also so happy and social. This is such a cut and fun age.

On her 5 month birthday her 2 bottom teeth poked through at the same time. Then just last week we felt her top 2 teeth coming through together. She desperately wants to eat what the rest of us are eating so the teeth are a good move in that direction.

A few weeks ago we finally moved her in to her own room in the crib -we wanted to move her in with Rori, but we've been nervous about them waking each other up. So to do this Lance had to agree to share his office space with Zuri. The poor kid has been stuck in the pack-in-play in our walk-in closet up until now. Since the move she has been sleeping great so it seems like she is enjoying a little more cushion and room to stretch.

She's also rolling all over the place and sitting with minimal assistance. I think she'll have the sitting thing all by herself figured out pretty soon here. Sometimes we catch her sitting up in her bouncy seat instead of reclining which is pretty funny.

We just can't love this little girl enough. It is so much fun to watch her little personality developing. If we could pause time I think this would be one of the ages we would choose to stay on for a time.

1 comment:

RachelAA said...

Aww she sounds squuezeable :) Glad all is well.