Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Family Photos

We finally got some real family photos taken and we're thrilled to have them. The best part was we found out about the girls who took and edited them through our friends here. They are just starting up a photography business and were looking to build up a portfolio. We were happy to help and thrilled to get some fun ones out of the deal. I was nervous about if Rori at age 2 would cooperate or not (or maybe not even smile the whole time), but she actually did pretty well. Another major positive of this was we did it first thing in the morning and were done in about an hour without feeling rushed and even changing locations a few times. Big thanks to C Squared Photography! If you need some pictures taken in the Vegas area look them up! Here are a few of our favorites:

1 comment:

RachelAA said...

The picture you put on your header is my absolute favorite - I LOVE shots like that. And that red door is perfect. And you - HELLO, you're teeny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it all, so cute!