The excitement level for Christmas is high at our house these days. The Elf on the Shelf made his appearance at our house again this year starting on December 1. Kai was anxiously awaiting his arrival for weeks. Every morning he races out of his room to find "Elfie". He's even made him some gift and notes to take back to the North Pole. Rori waves goodbye to him and yells out "Bye Elfie" every time we leave the house. Elfie has found some pretty awesome hiding spots this year in the new house- like up on the highest windowsill which is probably about 13 feet up. We found him here on the Christmas tree the first morning.
The kids also got personal email videos straight from Santa himself (courtesy of Portable North Pole). We highly recommend this free website. It was a big hit with both of them.
We've also been having fun finding ways to experiencing the holidays here in Henderson for the first time. We got a tip that there is a neighborhood just a few minutes from us that puts on a big light display. We drove through it last weekend and then decided to go back and walk through it on Monday night. We all thought it was pretty neat.
Kai and Rori got a package from Great Grandma and Grandpa Michael in the mail a few days ago that had some fun holiday stuff in it. The neatest part was it had a The Night Before Christmas book in it that has their voices reading the story as you turn the pages. Kai had read it at least 20 times a day everyday since. Thank you great grandma and grandpa!
I got to cut out 50 gingerbread men for Kai's school. Can you say hand cramp?
Kai has been begging to make christmas cookis so we got out our Christmas cookie cuters and lots of sprinkles one night and went to town.
We can't wait to continue the fun over the next few weeks!