Friday, September 17, 2010


Rori and I have been having a little more 1 on 1 time since Kai went to kindergarten. I think she has been enjoying having my full attention, reading books with me, and figuring out what she wants to play without big brothers guidance.

We've always found it funny that she naturally often gravitates to girl stuff despite the abundance of boy toys we have around. Recently she has been having fun playing accessory dress-up.

This is what she chose to wear to the bus stop the other day- glasses, a baby hair bow, and her doll backpack:

After looking at a princess book she added these accessories today- another baby hair bow, a ribbon made in to a necklace and there were lots of bracelets before too but I didn't get the camera fast enough:

And not to leave Kai out here he is in his school PE shirt:


RachelAA said...

THey're totally stylin' :) I love the ribbon necklace!!

disabilitydiva said...

love the ribbon and yes how fun to have one on one time with mommy!