Some more thoughts after 7 weeks of having Rori in our family.
-Rori is smiling and cooing at us lots more now which is so fun. With Kai it has seemed like things have just gotten more and more fun as he got older, so it is exciting to be moving on to this next stage with Rori. It is fun to see her own little personality just beginning to come out.
-Rori doesn't care much for more than a few minutes in her car seat or bouncy chair- in her first weeks she hasn't been what we like to call "a piece of luggage baby" that just goes along with whatever you are doing without making a peep. Kai wasn't either. She just wants to be held upright all the time- and if you are standing that is even better. Once held she tends to be a happy camper, but it makes getting most things done much more of a challenge- like making dinner, running errands, helping Kai with stuff etc. I had her face out in the Baby Bjorn today for the first time and it was lovely- I'm going to have to do that more.
-We pretty much have Rori on the routine we did with Kai now and we LOVE it once again. I understand even better this time around that I am a person that loves my kids on a routine. It for sure isn't for everyone, but it really makes me so happy and feeling sane. With that said hooray for Rori who ate at 10:30pm last night and then slept until 6am. I can't tell you how much better our days are with that kind of sleep. I also think the routine has helped her little happiness level so much. She really does seem so much more content (even in the bouncy chair for a bit longer)when we are on track. :)
-The biggest baby challenge for me continues to be the nursing. It has been WAY better than with Kai but is still a major test of my determination. Each day and week is a huge victory. Right now Rori and I are having a new struggle with it- it seems to always be something with the nursing, but so it goes generally speaking when raising kids.
-I'm finally feeling more caught up with the out of the ordinary things after having Rori. Now if only I can keep up on the oridinary to do's.
-Kai will often be playing and then suddenly look at me in a panic and say "Where's Baby?" when he doesn't spot her in my arms. It makes me laugh everytime. I guess he thinks I might lose her.
-Kai has also been heard saying very calmly on multiple occasions when Rori is crying "Maybe she's hungry". He's usually right.
-Kai has also been heard asking on multiple occasions "What can I teach Rori when she is bigger?" He takes his job as big brother very seriously which is very cute. When introducing her to someone he often says "This is MY baby Rori".
-Kai is really a huge help with Rori. I can ask him to go in to Rori's 2nd drawer and bring me the pink and white socks that are in the little black box- and he will return with them in a snap. Thankfully he still thinks helping is fun.
-I continue to feel very blessed to have the opportunity to raise these 2 beautiful children. I know they are both very precious gifts. I'm also very grateful to have a husband that also adores these little ones and jumps right in after a long day at work.
Set Fire to the Rain
4 days ago
Sounds wonderful. We too can't do without the "content" schedule, so thanks again!! And I love that Kai can handle so many details - I look forward to that. And Lance - you are a stud, I am sure Ash has told you but that kind of relief makes all the difference in the world!!
Even though I am right here in slc only 6 minutes away, I love your blog, your history, your documentation. You do a great job.
Thank you for being such awesome parents to MY grandchildren.
I love you!
I love these little updates about Rori. It's so easy to forget what it's like to have a baby! I'm so happy that Kai is taking to this big brother thing so well; I'm sure it makes a huge difference. I do have to say also that your adherence to the schedule with Kai also helped us get and keep the twins on a schedule (after all, who doesn't want their kids in bed before 7pm AND happier when they wake up?) so thank you, thank you, thank you! Good luck with the nursing thing but don't kill yourself if you can't hang in there. You are a great mom!
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