Sunday, October 23, 2011

5 Months Old

This last month has gone by super fast filled with busy weeks and weekends. Zuri has been pretty patient about being dragged along to all the various appointments, school drop-off's & pick-ups, soccer practices and games, and on and on.

She is this super smiley little thing that loves to flirt with everyone who gives her any attention. She is enjoying introducing some solid foods in to her diet, sitting in the bumbo chair, and immediately flipping from her stomach to her back (the back to stomach still isn't very consistent yet).

Kai and Rori just can't get enough of her and she is generally pretty thrilled by them as well. We gave her a little hair trim last week but we still get tons of comments about her long hair. Most notable about the hair recently though is how light it is starting to come in in the front. It will be fun to see what it does.

Zuri is still stirring a little earlier than we would like in the morning sometimes, but if we pop the binky back in she usually will quiet back down. I think she likes being with us (she sleeps in the walk-in master closet) and knows that if she ever settles back in to being a consistent non-waker she's getting the boot and moving in with Rori. We've never had a kid in with us this long and maybe that is part of the issue.

Our favorite thing with Zuri right now is to lay her on her back and tickle and blow rasberries on her. She just laughs and laughs which makes all the rest of us laugh. We sure love this little girl.

1 comment:

DisabilityDiva said...

Oh time is flying by! What a darling girl!!