We've had quite the Halloweek week. School pumpkin day, parties, kindergarten parade, Ward Church party and trunk or treat etc.
Rori and I attended the kindergarten parade at Kai's school. We got there a few minutes early and got to snap some shots as they were finishing up a project before the parade.
Kai loved having us there. They wandered the kids through the school in the parade and Kai seemed to enjoy it all. His teacher is wearing the 70's outfit.
Here is a shot of Rori with Kai's friends little brother and sister watching the parade. I thought it was neat that they all wanted to dress up too.
I thought the turn out at our Church party was pretty impressive. Kai's school carnival and this party were our first experiences of trunk or treating and I think I'm a big fan. The kids got lots of goodies, it was way faster, and it felt way safer. In addition to trick or treating they had dinner and all sorts of games for the kids. Kai loved having his 3 buddies from kindergarten class to run around with that all go to our Church. As an added bonus they invited their other friend from kindergarten class who doesn't go to our Church and he and his family came. So Kai was loving life with his good buddies playing games and trunk or treating. Rori was super cute as she did her best to keep up with Kai and the boys most of the night. Kai is very sweet and patient with her in return. I am very grateful for their close bond.
*Note how Rori is directing the other kids at the cake walk. :)
By the time Halloween actually rolled around we were pretty over it. We decided to conclude things by handing out candy tonight and call it another successful Halloween minus the traditional trick or treating. The earlier events in the week had supplied us with full buckets of candy so we weren't hurting for more.
Kai was actually really excited about handing out candy so I've been really hopeful that we might actually get a knock or two. I was nervous though due to several factors like this is a long holiday weekend with no school, Halloween is on a Sunday, and we now live in a gated neighborhood and there don't seem to be a ton of kids around. Plus people here seem to be gravitating more to the trick or treating at malls thing. Thankfully after a slow start we've had a few knocks to make everyone happy.
Here are a few favorite shots when the kids were first trying on their costumes. Rori just kept saying "pretty" as she admired her outift in the mirror.
And one final photo of Rori that makes us laugh in all her 2 year old glory.