Thursday, August 19, 2010

Rec. Center Swimming

The weeks seem to be flying by here so far so I guess that is a good sign on how we are thus far adjusting. This has been largely based on the fact that Henderson has awesome parks and rec. centers.

About a month before me moved I signed Kai up for a 2 week, M-TH swim lesson at the rec. center closest to where we live. I thought it would be good for several reasons- he LOVES swimming, it would help him be around some kids his age, and it would give us all some structure in the early weeks of adjustment. Well, today was the last day and it was great.

The facility is AMAZING. Think 2 outdoor pools, 1 indoor pool, huge water slide, indoor track, tons and tons of classes for kids and adults, a kid care place, and on and on. So far we've only really experienced the outdoor pool but I am already pretty please with it. The lessons were good, the teacher was on the ball, and the whole operation seems well put together, and Kai really seemed to enjoy it. During the lessons Rori and I could watch Kai from the "activity pool" which helped us stay cool.

One of the days Kai and Rori's buddies Ella and Dylan and their Mom (from our LA trip) who were in town for a quick visit joined us afterward for more swimming. We were at the pool from 9:30am-1:30pm and my kids were in heaven. Kai and Ella marched right up the waterslide stairs when it opened and did about 5 runs. It was awesome. Some dark clouds moved in while we were there which was fun but we didn't get 1 raindrop from it.

For the last day today Kai got to go down the slide again a few times. I had Rori happily settled on the chair next to me with a snack for 2 minutes so I was able to take these pictures. Note cheese on nose.

1 comment:

AliWhitMark said...

The rec centers ARE amazing! I'd say the kids look like they have adjusted very well to Nevada!