So here is how we've each started off the year so far:
Rori is RUNNING all over the place. Her current favorite activities include gathering all of her days treasures by the back door, playing with the kitchen that Santa left for both kids for Christmas, taking out all the tupperware, and attempting to throw anything she can find in the toilet- so far we've just lost 1 baby doll and Kai's PJ's to the bowl. She's using a few words more often these days-like hi, Mama, DaDa, "Ka" (Kai), Uh Oh, Wa Ta (water), Shew (shoe), and Ba (bath). Bath time is the most exciting time of the day. She will run around the corner yelling out "Ba" as she attempts to tear off her clothes.
Kai has been busy with preschool- 1st progress report and being back with buddies after the holidays. Kai's teddy bear Hamley even got to go to school with him one day for Teddy Bear Day. Hamley is the bear that Lance and I got for Kai in London when we first found out we were expecting. Kai takes very good care of Hamley and generally likes to keep him safe and sound in his room on his bed. So it was a big adventure for Hamley to make it out of the house and travel to school. Kai also started a new class at Church. He (and the other kids his age) graduated in to the CTR (Choose the Right Class) class. He has new teachers and the classes got mixed up a bit so he is now with Amanda, Andrew, Louisa, and James. He loved his teachers from last year but he told us on Sunday that he now has the 2 best teachers (the ones from last year and the ones from this year). We did have the teachers from last year over for dinner on Sunday night and he was so excited about it that he could hardly stand it. Lindsey and Blake are so nice and good with him. We also love the Blake is the primary pianist- so super cool to have a guy for Kai's benefit since he already thinks playing music is so awesome.
I've been busy trying to get used to driving Kai to preschool in the morning snow storms. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the big hill that everyone waits in a line on that has turned icy a few times. Nothing takes your breath away like watching cars slide all the way down it. I've also been having fun at the gym with my friend Amy while all our kids play at the Kids Club. It's great to get in a workout and great to have Rori learning that it is ok to be with someone else for a little while. We took a Yoga class one night this week which was pretty fun(ny). Amy is a great gym partner so it makes it lots of fun which helps so much. We've also hit a few of the University of Utah gymnastics meets which is fun. I love the gymnastics, Rori likes the people watching, Kai likes the marching band, and Lance likes the homemade donut holes. Good for all!
Lance has been busy getting back in to the swing of work after a nice holiday. He's also been enjoying the gym (especially working on his flip turns again in the pool). And his new Church calling has been keeping him on his toes. On our vacation he got addicted to a new family history website and has been having fun learning more about our past generations. Turns out some of my family line ended up in Nanibia, Africa. Guess I didn't end up with any African in my skin color, but maybe that makes me somewhat related to Bradgelina.......bad joke........
So if we didn't have work, or school, or other responsibilities we would like to still be on vacation...........but it is good to be back in to the swing of life. So here is to hoping that we're ready and geared up for February and whatever else the rest of 2010 brings!