Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Kite Flying

Kai was itching to try out one of his new kites, and I wanted to soak up some of the nice weather in UT before the storms expected for the rest of the week came, so we headed out to the park last night. It was perfect- a nice night, Kai mastered kite flying quickly, and I got to play some more with the camera (thus the tons of pics).

FYI- It is currently pouring rain outside- what a difference a day makes......

(Note that Kai is the one in sole contol of these high flying pics)

(I love how they are both standing)

(Little Miss on her 8 month birthday!)

(I've been trying to document her L-O-N-G eyelashes)


Ashleigh said...

By the way, Kai's new nick name is "Little Icarus" for all I heard during kite flying was "just a little bit higher, daed"

RachelAA said...

Rori's pictures are gorgeous!!!