Rori had her 4 month appointment last week and I keep forgetting to post her stats so here goes:
Height: 26 inches = 97%
Weight: 14.5 pounds = 75%
Head: 16 1/2 inches = 60%
She seems to be continuing to follow the same pattern as her brother- LONG. :)
She handled all the shots well and got a good report. They did give us some medicine for acid reflux we can try. Unfortunatley we probably should have tried that months ago, but so it goes. She's never been a spit up baby so it has been hard to tell what what was causing her occasional eating/ nursing issues.
The most exciting news is that she is now allowed to start on some real food. I think that will make Rori very happy. Kai told Santa (after putting in his own request) that Rori would like rice cereal for Christmas. What a nice brother. :)