Kai had his Spring Sing at school tonight. He was super excited about it and it was very cute. He continues to be a head taller than 95% of the class - we suspect that might never change. He was very attentive to his teachers which wasn't really typical for all the kids. He tends to take these sorts of things rather seriously. :) Kai really is a good sweet boy and we are very proud of him.
Making His Entrance:
Raise Your Hand If You Are From Room 4:
Getting Patriotic:
Kai's Cutest Fan:
Playing the Triangle:
This Little Light of Mine Costumes(with buddy Andrew):
Yesterday moring Kai was playing outside in the sunshine with Romney from next door. At one point I peeked outside to check on them and found that they had crated this:
Yep, their very own rock stand. Just $0.25 to be the proud owner of your very own rock from our backyard. At one point I even caught him at the front door of our other next door neighbors house going door to door with his sales. Fortunatley they have little kids and are friends with us.
We had to take a break to change in to cooler clothes, have lunch, take naps, and go to afternoon kindergarten for Romney. But at 4pm they were back in action and had spruced things up a bit and transitioned their sales to the more traditional lemonade product. There were still rocks available to those that missed the first sales of the day. They ended up making a nice little haul with the neighbors coming home from work.
I love it when we have a babysitter and we come home to find some cool activity or project they were working on with our kids. We have a bunch of 13 year old ish GREAT babysitters in the neighborhood right now. They are at a good age for actually being available and wanting to babysit. Some even come with their own babysitter activity bags. Last night when we got home this is what we found:
Rori really wanted to help with the laundry. She was desperate to try on some of Kai's underclothes so we put them on top of her pants. She thought this was SOOOO funny!
Spring has come and we are LOVING it. Unfortunately it is supposed to be gone tomorrow when a storm rolls in. So for now we've been soaking in as much of the outside as we can while we can. It has been wonderful.
We flew kites one night at the park by our house which we love:
We had a playdate with just the little kids (this is Matthew- Amanda's brother):
We've played TONS on this slide (thank you to Andrew for passing it on to Rori):
We've been sporting our Spring Church Clothes:
And we've been enjoying watching things bloom by our house:
Daddy had a meeting before Church so Kai took these pictures of Rori and I in our new clothes finds from our San Diego trip (Thank you Gramdma Whitney!):
Several turned out like this- my camera is a little heavy to lift up and look in at the same time for him:
We headed up to Brighton today to try out a Ski lesson for Kai. His cousins Jake and Emme (who are visiting from Seattle) and his buddy Amanda joined him which made it all the more exciting. He had a blast and can't wait to hit the slopes again. It was a beautiful day with bright blue skies and lots of sunshine. Highlights included getting to ride the lift and doing about 4 runs down the hill all on their own. Now he's excited to go again with Dad and show him some of his new skills. Rori had fun watching, waving to Kai and taste testing some snow.
After San Diego the kids and I flew to Las Vegas where Lance picked us up. After happily reuniting with Daddy we made a quick stop for lunch and then drove a little further to meet up with my friend Jamie who is now living in Las Vegas. It was a quick visit but so fun to see her, her little boy Haden, and her Mom who was in town visiting.
We then hit the road again for our drive up to the Zions National Park area. There we met up with Lance's parents and Kirsten's family for dinner at the annual tradition of dinner at the Bit and Spur restaurant. Kai was thrilled to be reunited with the Mullins cousins that he hadn't seen since last August.
Saturday morning we had great success at the St. George easter egg hunt. Kai even got an egg that had a prize tag in it to redeem at the main table. He hit gold with a 6 pack of chalk in the shape of easter eggs.
After the hunt our little family took off to check out the Arts Festival. Kai got a soccer ball painted on his face and made a craft. We enjoyed some yummy food before heading back for a quick swim before naps with the cousins.
Saturday night we headed to the family dinner. Both kids were in heaven playing with the cousins in the red dirt and preparing eggs for the hunt the next day.
Sunday morning we were excited to wake up and find that the Easter Bunny had visited our hotel room and left lots of goodies- a little candy but mostly stickers, activity books, bubbles etc.
We then packed up our stuff and headed back out to the family breakfast and egg hunt. Rori found an egg with coins in it and thought the noise it made was the best. Kai searched and searched for that golden egg. Finally most of the kids had given up on it, but Mr. Persistence kept going. After the hider made it a bit easier to find Kai was thrilled to be the one to stumble upon it. The Golden Egg had $10 in it which Kai thought was great. Now we just had to explain how that was way better than the egg with all the heavy coins. :)
Our drive home went great due to some Curious George episodes, 2 hour naps, and GC on the radio. As we were getting close to home Kai lamented "I sure love San Diego and St. George". We're still feeling a little worn out from our grand adventures but it was a wonderful time. Thanks to Lance's parents for a fabulous Eater!