We just got back late last night from a magical family trip. We went with Lance's parents and his siblings families on a 7 night Disney Cruise. It was an amazing adventure and experience. Lots of fun, laughs, food, and memories. Rori did well on her first flights and we had to take a tearful Kai off the ship yesterday who kept telling us how he didn't want to leave. Many thanks for this wonderful time. We'll have lots of pictures to come.
While we were away a few more big things happened.
Lance celebrated his 31st birthday in yet another amazing location. Happy Birthday Daddy- We love you!

Ashleigh's cousin Matt married cute Amy (We can't wait to go celebrate with them at their reception).

A couple of good friends welcomed new little ones in to their families which we are very excited about. Yeah!!!
And we all celebrated Thanksgiving. Our Thanksgiving wasn't a traditional one this year- Lobster is not a bad alternative to Turkey-, but we are still very thankful and aware of our many blessings.
And now on to December.........